So, I have decided that today is the first day to the rest of my life! I have been sick for the past week and a half, and I have done absolutely nothing. I slept, and ate lots and lots of popsicles! I had a sore throat, and a cold, then a sinus infection, and then to top it all off I got a double ear infection? What?! I must have really pissed God off.
I finally went to the doctor after I got the ear infection, and when I stepped on the scale, I was not a happy camper. It pretty much ruined the rest of my week. I decided then & there that I was done messing around. This is it. I have said it before, but I am I determined that I will not let myself gain another single pound! I was pretty excited when I got on the scale this morning to get a *starting weight* and I according to it I have lost 6 pounds! So I guess I can't complain about that, but.. I am still not happy.
I am planning on finally starting Focus T25 again on September 16th. There is a challenge group going, and I am super excited to do it. If you're interested in joining, let me know. It's kind of last minute seeing as how tomorrow is the last day to join, so sorry! I did decide though I wasn't waiting till then, and I got up in the early, dreadful morning, at 4:00 a.m. Who in their right mind does that? Yup, this crazy chick and her mother.
I was bright eyed and bushy tailed, seeing as how I actually got up at 2:30 and couldn't fall back asleep. Then I realized that Shaun T. was about to make me his bitch. There is no doubt about it, that's definitely what he did. It feels sooo good to be working out again, and I am going to be sore tomorrow. No pain, no gain.. or should I say lose.. Hmm.
Also, I'm letting the cat out of the bag and *drum roll please.* I am finally moving!! Sioux Falls, South Dakota, I am coming for you! I am so excited for this new chapter in my life. It's moving much faster than I had planned, but I just have to trust in God's plan, and know that everything is going to work out the way it should. I am so excited to see what my life holds for me!
My Dream Board for the rest of the year. Sorry some of it's hard to read!
There is still 3 and a half months left in the year, people! You know how much you can accomplish in that amount of time? Let's do this! I want to see you succeed! If you would like to join my private motivational group as well, let me know! Together we can do this!
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