Hey! Sorry I am a day late, I figured I would just put day 2 & 3 together so I am not completely behind!
Yesterday I was still pretty tired when I woke, BUT I was up all night peeing because of that gallon of water. Oh boy! So worth it though. I had some oatmeal with berries for breakfast along with my supplements. I felt pretty tired all day.
So then I had my Alkalinize with not as much water, and that was a mistake! I could barely get it down this time. It tasted more like grass than yesterday. I had to plug my nose and then take a seperate drink of water. People say that after a few days you get to where you don't hardly taste it at all. Something about the alkalinity of your body affects that. Well duh, Ashlee. That's probably why it's called Alkalinize...But I can't wait for that day! I then had about a cup of fruit for a snack. I still am not feeling too hungry this morning.
For lunch I had a salad with some chicken. You eat a ton of salad on this, so I may never want to even look at a salad again! I think if you can find some different ways to mix it up that will help tremendously.
Then for dinner, I was naughty. I am in the process of something (not quite ready to tell you yet, so be patient. :) ), and was pretty busy with phone calls and meetings last night, so we just ordered some sandwiches from Pizza Hut. I thought maybe that was a better option then pizza. I might be wrong though, sometimes you would be surprised! Then I drank my last bit of water and crashed. I was soo ready for bed.
Then today, I actually woke up feeling pretty rested. Not completely ready to get out of bed, but more willing then normal. I absolutely despise mornings. Grr. Then I took my supplements of course, and had a bowl of fruit for breakfast. Favorite breakfast ever! You all know how much I love my fruit.! Lunch was another salad of course, and then for dinner I had Tempeh with some veggies and brown rice. I didn't take any pictures today because my phone died.. Now that I think about it, today was an all around tough day on my reset. Hopefully tomorrow is better!
This was the first time I had ever tried Tempeh. I was nervous, but pretty excited. I am the kind of girl who orders the exact same thing and hardly ever tries something new. This reset has pulled me completely out of my comfort zone and I am trying things I never would have before. I can say that so far there's not anything I have found that I don't like. The Tempeh is going to take some getting used to because I do have a bit of a texture problem, but I was pleasantly surprised at how yummy it was!
Today I noticed that I was feeling pretty irritable. I didn't keep up on my supplements as well as I should have. I took them, but they weren't at the same time and consistency is key. We were just super busy at work and it just didn't work out. I will be taking the nasty green stuff tonight instead of this morning. Hopefully that works and won't throw me off. As I said though, I was a lot more on edge today, and that might be some of the emotions coming out of me that I was told would happen. Hopefully I don't go too crazy and mean! Well I am getting ready to feed my doggies and then head home and go to bed. I am pooped. It was a long day at work and I am so glad that tomorrow is my last day and then I have a four day weekend! I'll be talking to you all again tomorrow. Have a fantastic night! :)
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